Tuesday, April 22, 2014

S is for Stupid Human :)

Today S is for STUPID HUMAN.

Do you ever wonder what your dog (or cat!) thinks about you? I'm sure my dogs come up with some pretty interesting thoughts about my behavior, just like we are always labeling their behavior. Not everything we do makes sense to them and vice versa. :)

The key to training though, especially with another species, is to understand their behavior. Why do they do what they do? Dogs generally have reasons behind their behavior whether we think they are logical or not :). Their brains don't work the same way ours do, that is what makes them so special. They don't reason, they react. Dogs don't premeditate their actions, they assess a situation and react. Take the time the learn how your dog thinks and what makes him tick. And if you find an activity that is highly rewarding for him (like for some dogs digging is bliss, they LOVE to dig) use that in your training as a reward :).

Do you do things that make your dog wonder about you? :)


  1. I'm sure many dogs have wondered about me. But most of them have been friends. Thanks for a lovely post.

    1. We do tend to do things that dogs consider unusual, they don't really care though. They tend to love us despite our crazy tendencies :).

  2. I am sure that most all cats think this on a regular basis. Anytime I am out working somewhere on our property, and my dogs know it, I am sure that they are thinking the job would be better done if they were with me.

    1. Dogs are always thinking they can help - when most of the time they are in the way :). But at least they are enthusiastic.

  3. Oh, I'm sure I make the dog wonder about me sometimes, but he loves me anyway :)

    1. Isn't that the most wonderful aspect of dogs? :)
