Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday Training Tips: CGC Summary

This concludes my Canine Good Citizen (CGC) series on the preparation for each individual exercise and offering tips for practicing in order to successfully pass a CGC evaluation. Test Item 10 was covered previously.

A Few Final Resources

The AKC has a wonderful webpage with tons of resources on it detailing everything you could ever want to know about the CGC. A few things you'll find on that page:
  • Dog Owner Resources (covering everything you can think of)
  • Finding Evaluators and Classes
  • CGC Products
  • After CGC: What Can You Do Next?
  • Customer Service Contacts
The AKC also has the below video available for perusing :). Please keep in mind they produced this as an example of an IDEAL test.

A Few Final Thoughts

Keep in mind that the reason for taking this evaluation is to push yourself to help your dog be a better behaved, more enjoyable family companion. As you and your dog work together, you will discover a bond developing that will lead to a better relationship. The CGC accomplishment is often the first step to a wonderful relationship with your dog and to many fun dog activities. Good luck! :)

Keep the AKC's words in mind:
If you and your dog do not pass, it is not a failure but an indication of where you and your dog need more work.

Don't forget to check out the other CGC test item's we've covered:

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