Friday, May 8, 2015

Happy 10th Birthday Bourbon!!

I can't believe it's that time of year already! Today is Bourbon's 10th freaking birthday (it's also my birthday but we like to celebrate his more than mine!). It sounds horrible to say but I can't believe he's lived this long!! :)

He is definitely more gray this year!!
Sadly, we didn't celebrate his birthday today, on his actual day. I'm in Minnesota for a KPA weekend with Rookie, which seems even more traitorous :). But as a birthday present, next weekend I am taking him to Wisconsin for three CATs and then he'll run in two more on Memorial Day weekend. So he's not complaining too much about not celebrating today :). He can't wait to run those CATs!!

Do you celebrate your dog's birthday more than your own? :) Obviously we do....


  1. Happy birthday to you both!!

    yes, my dogs have better birthdays than me...

    1. Thanks :). I definitely think its more fun to spoil them than myself lol.

  2. I do celebrate birthdays, even if they are arbitrary days we chose because we don't know the pup's actual birthday. The nice is that dogs don't understand calendars (or birthdays for that matter) so he'll be thrilled for everything your do, whenever you do it.

    Good luck with the CATs. That looks like a lot of fun.

    1. Very true :). He probably thinks his birthday is everyday lol. He LOVEs CATs so he'll have the best time.

  3. What a beautiful face and his name is PAWfect! Love it. Happy Birthday Bourbon. Harley's birthday generally falls on/during the Thanksgiving holidays which always makes it special since the family is together. Jax is born on New Years Eve - so the entire world will celebrate with him LOL
